Git Workflow – Mostly used commands list

Hello dears,

Here is a list of common Git commands that I use.

If you are wanting to learn Git I recommend this tutorial from Atlassian

Starting with Git

Mostly basic command, start of everything 🙂

git init

You can also add a remote repository

git remote add origin

Or you can just start by cloning other repository

git clone https://your.repository.url

Git Daily usage commands

Listing all branches including in server

git branch -a

Create new branch

git branch NameOfYourNewBranch
git checkout -b NameOfYourNewBranch

Git shows status of everything in your repository

git status

Adding files to stage

git add file_1 file2

You can also add everything

git add .

Downloading updates from your colleagues

git pull 

Creating a new commit

git commit -m 'message'

Publishing/Saving your code

git push origin YourBranch

Changing your branch to another

git checkout WantingToMoveToAnotherBranchHere

You can merge changes to your branch doing this

git checkout *1-your-branch
git merge *2-future-plans 

*1- name of branch that will receive updates
*2- code that will be imported

If you’re not working with pull requests, when you merge your branch, you also can delete your future-plans branch because you won’t use it anymore. However, if you’re using pull request, only remove your branch when the pull request is accepted.

git branch -D YourBranchName

Git Useful commands

Show what was changed in some file

git diff YourFileName

You can also compare changes between different branches

git diff main new_branch ./diff_test.txt

Show last updated files in your repository from log. You can change the number of commits

git log -3  --name-status

Reset / Discard everything from your local (BE CAREFUL)

git reset --hard && git clean -fd

Discard file changes from your stage

git checkout -- [filename]   

Unstaging files, based on your repository

 git reset --hard HEAD file or .

Git clean interactively

git clean -i

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